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Below we have tried to outline some of our Frequently Asked Questions, but if you do have one that is not covered, please feel free to Contact Us!


Do you take bookings of just one person?


The majority of our events are done on a bespoke basis. We will happily provide events for 1 person, and likewise 100 people! 


What if the weather is bad?


We keep a close eye on the weather on a daily basis using specific mountain forecasts (MWIS). If the weather is set to be dangerous we will endeavour to let you know by 4pm the day before the event, but 24 hours beforehand if possible. As I am sure you can appreciate, wet weather is something we just have to get on with here in the Lake District, so if it is just rain, we are unlikely to cancel. If on the day the weather is worse than expected or deteriorating, the guide will make a decision which will either mean a change to the route, or possibly even cancelling the event. In the event of the latter a full refund will be provided.


I don't have Boots, will Trainers do?


We would prefer it if you could come in boots as they provide better support and traction, however we do appreciate that not everyone has boots. We will accept trainers, but a walking shoe would still be better than a trainer.


How fit do I need to be?


We ask that you have a basic level of fitness to be able to cope with being on your feet for 6+ hours over potentially rough terrain. We understand that the nature of some people booking a guide is because they have limited to no experience hillwalking, so we don't expect you to be super hill fit. You will be asked to complete a medical waiver before your chosen event to state you understand the risks that part and parcel with outdoor activities. 


Is there a bus to the start of Scafell Pike?


No. The 78 bus does run out of Keswick but only as far as Seatoller which is 1 mile from the start point in Seathwaite. However, if you are intending to use the bus drop us an email and we may be able to either pick you up from the Bus Station in Keswick or at the bus stop in Seatoller. 

There is not a bus to the Wasdale Start as it is quite isolated. There is a bus that runs to the Old Dungeon Ghyll where we start the walk from Langdale.


Can I bring my Dog? What if I don't like dogs?


Yes, Yes Yes!!! We love pooches on the walks. All we ask is that you only bring your dog if you think they are up to the severity of the walk and can be trusted around livestock.

If you don't like dogs please let us know so we can ensure the event is dog free. 



What is your Environmental Ethos?


Lakeland Mountain Guides' Environmental Ethos is simple, to Respect and Care for the mountain environment to the best of our ability. This ranges from not leaving litter and picking up litter that we see, to using paths and tracks as much as possible. By limiting our group sizes to just 10 we aim to reduce each walks impact on the environment. We also encourage groups who participate in our challenge events to make donations to our supported charities that do vital work to the mountains that we use. 

To provide further support Lakeland Mountain Guide's participate in yearly mountain litter picks. On October 12th, 2013 we led a team up Scafell Pike from Wasdale and pulled 45kg's of rubbish off of the route, and again in 2014 on which we pulled off 42kg's of rubbish. 

Furthermore, we have also set up a social media initiative known as #mountainmagpie, which aims to combat litter. More can be read about this here.

Can you provide group supervision days for aspirant Mountain Leaders?


We do provide support on an ad-hoc basis, just get in touch and we'll see what we can do. 


What are your Term's and Conditions?


A full list of our Term's and conditions can be found on this link

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