What a tricky time this is. I'm not going to labour any obvious points, but it's worth me formally notifiyng you that we are shut until the 25th April, but will review this at the start of that week as and when we know more.
Granted, it is likely to go on longer than that but for now we will take it step by step. If I've not already been in touch I will be soon.
As you'll have seen in the news the 'Great Outdoors' have become the self-isolation paradox as everyone ended up in the same place. Please heed government advice to stay local and not put the strain on the NHS / Emergency services away from home. Cumbria is one of the most affected counties and additional cases are not required.
We'll keep posting stuff on our socials to remind you we're here. Please continue to send in booking requests for Autumn as I'd like to think we will be able to fulfill them, and of course 2021.
Love to all X
